18 de Agosto 2003


Tomas Eloy Martinez escribe, en el post anterior: "La Argentina fue fundada por ficciones que se desentendían de la realidad o simplemente la desdeñaban. La más persistente de esas ficciones fue suponer que el país es una Atlántida desprendida de Europa, sin vínculos reales con América Latina. Los letrados que fundaron la nación a mediados del siglo XIX la imaginaban sin mulatos ni mestizos y, por supuesto, sin indios y negros.

Es trági-cómico ver, leer y oir como, siguiendo la misma conducta, buena parte del periodismo argentino consulta climatólogos, metereólogos, adivinos, etc.. en la búsqueda de saber si el próximo verano por acá será tan torrido como en el "viejo continente". ¡¡¡ Cómo no vamos a tener el mismo calor que Europa !!!
¡¡¡ Acaso deberemos conformarnos con ser solo templados-cálidos, y no morirnos por altas temperaturas como el primer mundo !!! Andaaaaaaaaaaaa .............

Posted by HugoB at 18 de Agosto 2003 a las 04:04 PM

Spiritual weight loss! Sounds interesting! Many spiritual things must have knocked your mind with this phrase, but let me make the things clear. Spiritual weight loss lets you realize and reveal your own strength and will power to get a hold of beautiful and healthy body. Spiritual weight loss includes certain change in lifestyle, evoking your motivation, getting inspiration from your insight and others who have achieved their goals of weight loss. It happens many times that you get disappointed when you don’t feel or find that you are far away from your goal of reducing weight. In real, weight loss process is a slow process if the right approach is followed. Loosing fat and loosing water from body makes a big difference. You may feel a quick weight loss on loosing water, but mind U, trimming the fat down takes time. To keep your motivation high and realizing the weight loss through laughing, nowadays there are many laughing clubs that helps you achieve weight loss while having a good time and fun. So many ways to weight loss! What to wait for then? Get started now!

Posted by: weight loss on 23 de Julio 2007 a las 08:58 AM
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